Vmax-4 Seat Covers

95 and 97 Cover's

Here's the 95 Cover.


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The 92-95 seats are the same, but the trunk lids and Yamaha logos varied a little bit from year to year. 96 and 97 seats had more pading in the seats and different Yamaha logos (red 96, white 97).
In my opinion, the 96 and 97 seats are much better. You sit higher and there is a lot more cushion in the seat.
You could add padding to your 92-95 seat to make the cover fit or find a used seat off of a vmax 500 or 600 that has the better padding and recover it.
Is the Vmax 500/600 seat identical to the Vmax-4 seat except for pleats...?
Does it fit without modifications...?

They are very similar, vmax-4's have the tool holder in the trunk though as well as the pleat thing. Except 92's they have the tool holder under the hood by the CDI.
Yes, they are pretty much the same and fit without any modifications. I try and buy good used seats when they are available for around $100-$150, but they are getting hard to find in good condition because they are nearing 20 years old.
Yes, they are pretty much the same and fit without any modifications. I try and buy good used seats when they are available for around $100-$150, but they are getting hard to find in good condition because they are nearing 20 years old.

Very hard to find--- I'm have been looking for a 95 seat w/ nice side panels, and rear flap. The fact that they are so hard to find is what intially gave me the idea to have a nicer universal cover made. I met with a local trim shop today and they can take that seat with a higher quality vinyl on the top seat area but need nice side panels. Tehy can't make the logo. So If anyone has a 95 seat w/ nice side panels they can part w/ let me know!
I ran in to this when I was trying to get decals made. Talked to two guys locally who wouldn't even make their own version of the vmax4 decals. and then I found a guy about 3 hours from me who said he just bought some huge scanner and he would just scan them and print off exact copies. That was around the time tntvintage started producing them so I have decided to just wait for the 92's. Some people are just more worried about licensing rights than others....
I ran in to this when I was trying to get decals made. Talked to two guys locally who wouldn't even make their own version of the vmax4 decals. and then I found a guy about 3 hours from me who said he just bought some huge scanner and he would just scan them and print off exact copies. That was around the time tntvintage started producing them so I have decided to just wait for the 92's. Some people are just more worried about licensing rights than others....

Scotty sled is telling me they have purchased the rights from Yamaha and can legally print on the seats. I think that right along with the fact they have one of the highest quality replacement covers is the cause of the high cost.
IMO! I don't think the cost is too high, it is a new cover, I have paid ahell of a lot more for 20 year old parts, quality costs!!!!!
One used side panel is 150-200
to tell ya the truth..if i had the money, and it was a nice cover that i knew would last a good while, I`d pay $200..

it almost seams to be the weakest link in the vamx4..or any old/er sled really...hoods seam to stay pretty good and shiny, alum can be polished but up etc. but seats are always drying out, cracking, splitting etc..to start out with a nice new plush seat knowing its gonna last a long time..and on a pretty vmax4? yeah i think it`d be worth it..
I would be interested if it embodied the additional padding, & had the Yamaha logo.
Qnty of 2 for certain, & 1 in the near future
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Yes, but the price was $180-200 each w/ a minimum order of 12. I did not want to take that one w/ the initial response here.
It would be a scottysledshed cover. They now make a universal Vmax-4 with out the logo. Here's a picture of the logo they would put on their universal vmax-4 cover. This is their Yamaha Vmax SX SXR SRX cover.


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