Early season Western UP winter storm


vmax4rules said:
Here is the link:http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061010/NEWS99/61010020

Damn too bad they don't pay a fair wage or I would already be there!!

Rules, was that the deal with the info on Ashland? Sorry that did'nt work out for you, could always take the week off and I'll meet you up there!!
They have a different way of looking at things, the companys pay less even though the cost of living is higher.
I have fished tournaments up there in Oct with a foot of snow in the boat.
Big talk from the dealer in Ashland but no $$ to back it up.
I know that a big paycut will be needed to make it happen, but they want you to foot the bill for everything including the kitchen sink!!
