Might be in mio this weekend?


Well guys, I`m thinking I might finaly make it up north this weekend. I`m not totally sure yet, but seriously thinking about it. so if anyone else is going to be in that area and wants to hook up, let me know, or if someone wants to follow me up or whatever. just let me know. I should know for sure within the next couple days.
the wether will playing a large rool on wether i go or not, and of course money as usual. but hopefully I`ll be able to atleast make this one trip this year.

Get that sled up to the Mio area AL,P and let it rip - the way this winter has gone take advantage while you can!
To all going up and living up north this weekend here is a little preview of the current weather warnings.This looks promising for some good sledding for you all.Hope it all works out like butter.We will be getting storms and a spattering down here:cussing: ,Oh well mid Febuary and cant even count the lakes.

I`m leaving for mio tonight.:party:
I borrowed a friend of mines open trailor, so I`m really hoping to beat the weather up there, I dont want to get caught in freezing rain ect,. with the sleds setting out in the open on the highway. that would totally suck.
also, i hope like heck the ole lady`s sled holds up, if not i geuss she`ll be hanging out in the camper while I`m out hunting for a cat to eat. LOL
I`ve been on a mission all day, and to tell ya the truth, I`m zombied right now. and i still have yet to actually put the sleds on the trailor, drag the battery`s out to the camper, stop and get gas for the sleds and camper (leaving the sled tanks almost empty for the trip on the trailor) i gotta take all the blankets and pillows out to the camper, load up all my tools (forget one tool, and it`ll be the one i need) the ole lady is gone right now getting propane, picking up a vcr/tv combo I`m also borrowing from a friend, and going to the video store, while I`m here working real hard at getting ready LOL. there`s still soo many things i have yet to do, that I cant even remember it all right now. and if i did and posted it all, it would probley be my longest post to date, and that a long post I might add. anyway, i geuss breaks over, I better go back at it. I`ll probley check in before i head out.

ohh shoot, I need to get ahold of my sister to barrow her camera. good grief, I should of started getting ready about a week ago

I though i had clicked the submit reply tab, but aparently I forgot to. since I posted everything above, its been probley about two hours, anyway, the camper is loaded, all i have to do now, is take a quick shower, and I`m off the the great up north. talk to you`all probley sunday.
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Have a safe trip AL

Hope you have a great time. Talk to you when you get back hope you take lots of potos for us.
I might be on the road with the hot date with the snow we are getting now.SHES coming with me if I wake early enough Saturday morning!!!!:party: :party: :party: :party:
I have returned from bieng a mio MI area motorized bandit for about the last 4 days & nights. I`m totally beat, the sleds ran GREAT!!, had a total blast, got lost, almost ran out of gas, almost froze, pulled the ski`s up at 40mph, and 45mph a couple times (others seen it, did`nt want non. LOL) I dare say my vmax4 ran stronger then it ever has, i believe it was because it was so cold. anyway, I`ll post some more tomaro, right now, I`m gonna try to post some pictures of sinamax`s sled for sale he sent me.

P.S, I did`nt beat the storm, infact, I drove right in it ALL the way up there, the sleds were`nt a pretty site when i got there to say the least.
about 10 miles beafore the zilwalkie (SP, LOL) bridge, the roads became pure white, and big time slick, from that point on, I averaged about 35 to 40 mph. it was a long ride. and believe it or not, I only got past by a semi, and maybe two other cars/trucks the whole way. so it was`nt just me driving real slow, it was BAD out on I-75.
