no spark in 85 srv 540


New member
need a coil for my 85 srv 540 but I don't know what years will work and what coils will work out of other machines. Some say from 1980 to1991 srv coils will work .Others say 1984 and up - some say ss440 coils and some say 340 exciter coils will work. I see a few on ebay but I don't know for sure which one to buy.


If you go onto web site you can look up the cross reference and they have pictures to make sure you are getting the right part.
no spark in srv

sorry about my earlier post- what I meant to say was I need a stator not a coil.

Thanx for the website info - I'll check it out
check your coil or plugs, i had weak spark to no spark in my 92, coils were fine i tried new plugs cause the old ones were foul and now shes hitting on all 4..start cheap lol
