Looking for a set of howler pipes and RPC Box


New member
Looking for a set of quads howlers and RPC box or Hauck box to rev 11000 + RPM. Need it for my PRO Stock sled i am building.


Hauck Powersports won't have a box, that's a fact!! Take my word for it. The pipes he probably has. (For the 11,000RPMs your want to get,) you should contact MSD power sports Department. if you want the best results you can get, that's the way to go. You want to go with a total loss ignition so you run a stater plate instead of a stater. This way you can lose some rotating mass on the crank. (losing crank weight, will help you get up stairs so much faster!! Personally I think it really frees up the moter. ) You will also have more consistent, and less spratic spark. IMPORTANT: you will have to program you own ignition box!! I can help you with the ignition curves if you go this route. I have just went down the same road as you and it's a hard road to travel buddy. RPC vs MSD I have both, tried both, and went back to MSD!!!! BUT!!, You will have to have time and a level head, because there will be a lot of swearing involved, to say the least!! LOL

I know all about the swearing and keeping a level head. Right now i am running Bender Quads with the Bender Box for 9250 RPM. I did all of the mods on the cylinder, heads, ports, i did not touch the pistons yet due to mixed information i have been recieving. I know years ago when i cut a slot on the intake side of the piston, but i must of misplaced the spec sheets on that (13 years ago HAHA). Some of the guys around here advise not to touch that but as i recall it helped out alot back then. I am definitly going to go with the total loss ingnition and to what i am hearing i need those howlers. Do you know what kind of HP they produce compaired to the bender. I know on the stock machine the benders would produce 163HP. When you got your ignition from MSD did they furnish the program with it. I will definitly be interested in talking once i get this MSD box. Right now i am right in the main compettition i just need that extra kick in the ass to get me way out in front.
The MSD box is not programmed for your sled. YOU have to do it. Jabber helped me do mine and it is AWESOME!! If you want to get faster quickly, just call Hauck and run what he recommmends. It's really hard to throw different pipes with different porting and different carbs with different reeds with a different ignition. I think you see where this is heading... If you mix it up too much, you will be pretty much on your own. Pat can give you specs and a really good baseline for all his stuff.
I have the spec for your pistons or i just send you one so you can copy it. IF YOU MAKE SURE YOU SEND IT BACK!!! HP_well.._____ (@ 9,925.3 RPMs Ive produced 241 hp with hot pipes.
Don't get me wrong pat knows his stuff that's for sure!!! BUT, pat hauck is going on to other thinks. Vmax4s are getting to be old news to him, can you blame him, he's been playing with them for just under 20 years! long time!! But all bull shit set aside he has proven over and over he can make a vmax-4 run like a trooper, to say the least!!:btt:
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Pat does NOT have any Howlers. I asked him myself. He is thinking about someone hand building some for him. We'll see if that ever happens.
sweet , make sure you can put a quarter in the hole you cut in the piston "IN TAKE SIDE"! It should just fit though. OK?
Pat is far from done with Vmax4's. In talking with him on a regular basis, I'm quite sure that is still his weapon of choice. I know for a fact he just got done building another pro-stocker.
I am interested in talking about the piston specs and what you did to get that kind of HP. I am very competitive but here in Quebec those BPR sleds boys get alot of technical help and are very hard to beat. If i could produce 241 HP i know i would be out in front.
I Never said he was done, Dave! Reread the thread i posted,that it is getting to be old news to him!!! (old news) I said, not that he was done!:wasntme::no_bashin:cheers:
