Misc parts for sale


I've got some parts sitting on my shelves that can be sold. Let me know if you are interested.
1 set of Aaen quads - 350 you pay freight
1 complete set of 750 cranks
750 and 800 heads
8AX crankcase
some used pistons that are very much usable
If you need something else, just ask. I might have it. Stuff that isn't priced, make a reasonable offer.

Email me with questions or offers.
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1 set of Aaen quads - 350 you pay freight

Does anyone know if the quads are specific to 750 and to an 800, 2 different set of pipes, if so, how do you tell difference, diameter perhaps?

UPDATE: I see on Aeen website that there is only one listing - Vmax4 quads 93-97. Followed up with phone call to Aeen, and they only made one set, good for 750 and 800
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Vmax535, I tried to pm you back, but or some reason it won't let me. I do have 3 different heads. One has to dings in it and the other 2 have minor damage on them. I also have some cylinders, but none of them are perfect. I can send you pics from my phone to yours. Shoot me a text and I will send you pics back of heads or cylinders.
Bchita, bitter dun, highboy, same for you. Either text or email me questions and I will send pics back to you.
