ortonville radar run

Bummer...while looking up info on lake racing..i ran across a page about a race on otter lake, in mchigan..again, pretty dang close to me..problem is..it was last weekend...:cussing::beathead:
There was 4.vmax4's that took 1st place in I/s 800, I/s1000,p/s 800, 2nd in open mod 1000. The vmax4's were putting on a good showing at Otter lake. Nice to see
how are u guys missing those races right on ur back door step i,m up here in eskimo land and have 2 drive many hours 2 a race and ussually get cancled due 2 lack off snow and because we don,t have enouhg ice racers they cancel it out as 2 much operating cost and they can not recover tha cost 2 run these races threw entries so thats why we combine snow drags with ice races, every one and their dog races snow and they all have the fastest sled till we all meet then we seperate the men from the pussys lol
There was 4.vmax4's that took 1st place in I/s 800, I/s1000,p/s 800, 2nd in open mod 1000. The vmax4's were putting on a good showing at Otter lake. Nice to see

Otter lake michigan, that I was talking about?
my god man...and I thought i was bummed before about missing it..now I`m really ready to rip my hair out!!..

Damn the bad luck..slash..lack of searching for these things well ahead of time..LOL
