Wanted 96 rear bumper..and strut cans,x-cond please.. Custom/liteweight items???

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New member
Looking for a Rear bumper for my 96 max 4.. as any stock rear bumper or smaller vmax..would like some dent free cans that we can paint..no need for the silver decals.....and if you have any super nice red side panels..thanks call or email 715-746-2662..Looking for any lite weight items..building a mild custom..twin pipes, or a lighter canister..red windshield, new Wheels for skid, plastic or the fancy cnc wheels.. Anyone out there that can reproduce the tin shields in hood and belly in aluminum/or non essential strength items...or a custom rear bumper that uses the stock mounting holes...Hopefully we can find some of those creative ideas we have seen on the other vmax 4s...Thanks:4fzfpi:
